Great Advertising books to read

The Ultimate Guide to Google Ads & Ultimate Guide to Facebook Advertising are both books written by author and marketer Perry Marshall in which they explain how to advertise on Google and Facebook. Unfortunately, I purchased the books before the most recent Google Ads update around Keyword match types like phrase match and broad match modifier and changes to biding strategies such as target CPC and ROAS are not included in the sixth edition. So I would recommend buying the most recent versions. Overall, the books are excellent and they do a great job explaining how to do search engine marketing (SEM) and social media marketing (SMM). However, I would just advise readers who are new to online advertising to watch a video on YouTube after reading a chapter on the concerning topic. That way the information becomes much more digestible and comprehensive. I personally think the images in the books do not properly illustrate what they're trying to convey which is why I recommend watching a video on the concerning chapter after reading it. Still, I believe these are some of the best-written books on online advertising.

Elijah Petty