Google Ads Courses

These are a collection of Google Ads lessons I’ve taken including, YouTube Ads which is also a part of Google Ads.

The Ultimate Google Ads Training

This is a 24-hour Udemy course created by Isaac Rudansky founder and CEO of AdVenture Media an advertising agency. This course is the most highly rated Google ads course on Udemy and rightfully so a must-have if you’re looking to understand Google ads. Not only that I would also argue to purchase the course even if you already bought a Google ads course from someone else because it’s always helpful to see another expert’s outlook on the subject. My only critique is that I think Isaac sometimes overcomplicates things in the course like on the biding section and explaining the different formulas when calculating ROAS or ad rank. Still overall a decent course.

The SEM Acadamy

Created by digital marketing expert Darren Taylor, This is a 20+ hours course covering all aspects of Google Ads including excel spreadsheets and Tag Manager. The payment method is a 60$ per month subscription plan in which you’ll receive an accredited certificate once finished. You can finish the program within one month only paying 60$ so yes you don’t keep the course forever but at least this way it’s much more affordable.
After finishing this course I must say this is the best Google Ads training lesson I’ve taken. I even took the most favorable reviewed and sold Google course on Udemy and this surpasses it by far. I really appreciate diving into other programs associated with Google Ads such as understanding Analytics, Tag Manager, CRO, and Excel. Even the small details such as the graphic charter and illustrations really contribute to the immersion of the course. I don’t really have any improvement to suggest except minor details such as maybe making all the videos have the same format as the ones found in the CRO course. Once again these are minor details overall the course was fantastic!


If you consume a lot of digital marketing content on YouTube then I’m sure have seen one of the AdOutreach advertisements on one of the videos. So after receiving multiple retargeting ads I finally decided to purchase the YouTube Advertising Masterclass from AdOutreach for around 45$. However, if you looking into purchasing the course you’ll need around an extra 15$ for the extra bonus videos which I highly recommend to fully understand how to do omnipresent retargeting. Now as for this course I would only recommend this to someone already familiar with YouTubes ads since it provides no videos on how to set up omnipresent retargeting campaigns but only the theoretical framework. The course does offer a free 1-hour phone call with their team if you wish to have them do YouTube ads for your business. I believe there is a lot of potential with YouTube Ads so still think it’s worth the purchase.
