Facebook Ads Courses
Facebook Ads Mastery by Léo Castel, a digital marketer with over 15k youtube subscribers, is a 100$ course on Facebook Ads. The course is correct but I would say it's not worth 100$ and you can get just as good of a course on Udemy for 20$. After I finished the course I was a bit disappointed because I already knew most of the stuff however on a positive note it let me know where my knowledge is situated as a digital marketer. Sometimes you have to be willing to invest just to know where you stand. Another thing that annoyed me about this course is that it's marketed by claiming he'll teach you how to advertise like David Ogilvy but then when start watching the videos he just gives the names of books by David Ogilvy to buy, and I was like "seriously you got to be kidding me".
Facebook Ads & Facebook Marketing MASTERY is a 12-hour Udemy course created by Justin O'Brien from Coursenvy. This is one of the most sold and highly rated courses on Udemy and I believe it's definitely worth buying if you're looking to conduct Facebook ads. Before going into digital marketing Justin 0'Brien was an engineer by training and his background definitely helped revolutionize the online advertising industry. Indeed, Justin just like other marketing experts with an engineering background, like Matt Diggity with SEO, introduced an empirical approach to marketing with an emphasis on data and a/b testing. The most important thing you'll take from this course is the importance of collecting data to improve your campaigns. Digital marketing is still a new industry with much pioneering needed to be done therefore your success as a digital marketer relies mainly on your ability to collect, analyze and manage data for improvement. Just O'brien's empirical approach to Facebook ads makes this worthy of consideration.